Contact No. 9021591789, 07212573255, +919420722107

Educational & Career Guidance

There used to be ot of confusions regarding choosing the right career option. Many times it is the choice of the parents or the peer group & not as per the abilities of the student. Also one needs to prepare for the career beforehand only. 

We provide the guidance regarding the various career options available, analysing the aptitide of the student & by doing his SWOT analysis. We also provide the soft skills training regarding the various life skills which are very muche needed for any kind of career. All these increses the employability of the student & make them ready for the job market. Even we give guidance & traing regarding the enetrprenuership & startups.


Mayur Vyawahare


succesfully established a startup, trained in leadership management

Swapnil Gawande


Founder of the Deesha NGO & a career startup company.

Dr. Avinash Saoji


Founder of the NGO PRAYAS. Mentor of thousands of youths, influential trainer & motivational speaker 

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